Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

Please Larger Again! | Spoof Story

One day, there was a boy sat together with his girlfriend.

“We are break now,” said that girl.

“What?! Break?”

“We have been angry each other since several months ago, you know. Do you realized it?” the girl starting angry.

“Ya, I just thought you were in PMS,” the boy tried to make a funny atmosphere. *PMS = Pra-MenStruations*

“I think you’re in PMS,”

“I can’t PMS, honey,”

“Do you feel something? We are different right now. It’s not like before,” the girl try to explain something.

“Ya, ya, there is no man can always same forever,” answered the boy.

“No, it is not. We are different. It’s like … “

“Expired?” the boy tried to make funny again.

“Okay we are break!” forced the girl.

“Okay if that’s you want” the boy answered quickly.

“Okay if like that, I am out of here. I wanna go,” the girl answered angry.

“Okay just go,” the boy answered quickly. “Umm umm wait wait, I forgot to bring my wallet, do you wanna pay this drinks ot no?” the boy continue.

“Okay it’s fine,” the girl answered quickly again.

“Okay thank you,” the boy answered quickly again.

“Okay you’re welcome,” the girl answered quickly again.

“Umm umm car’s fuel also almost unavailable. Can I borrow some money?” the boy asked.

“Okay how much?” the girl answered almost angry and quickly.

“Okay $20,” the boy answered quickly following by a bit angry.

Then the girl opened her wallet and took some money then put it on the table.

“Okay here,” said the girl answered quickly and full of forced.

“Okay thank you,” the boy answered quickly again.

“Okay you’re welcome,” the girl answered quickly again.

“Okay,” the boy again.

“Okay,” the girl again.

Finally, the girl was get out of the cafe and go to somewhere. The boy back to his sat and took his phone to call his friend –boy also- while his friend was in a minimarket.

“Hey, I was right yo. Finally, I also broke. After six months we were dating finally we also broke,” Said the boy.

“Oh you already six months with her. Wow, it’s mean she is the longest girl you dated,” said his friend while he was try to find something in a minimarket.

“I can’t be like this forever, boss. Imagine, I thought she was the best for me …” said the boy.

“Wait. Bro. Excuse me, mam. Mam,” said his friend to one of officer in minimarket.

A girl officer had come to serve the boy’s friend.

“Yes, sir?” asked the girl officer.

“Is there other pembalut? Ummm that bigger,” said the boy’s friend to the officer.

“Hahaha what happen with you, boss? So finally, you got menstruation now. Hahaha,” the boy laughing.

“Oh no. Wanda asked me to buy it. Okay, back to your problem ya. That’s easy. You only have not found a match girl yet. Your soul mate.” his friend answered.

The girl officer still tried to find a bigger

“We’re already different. Ya how to be a soul mate?” said the boy.

The girl officer strill tried hard to find the requestesd thing.

“Huh, boy, boy. You know that every person that wanna be success have to has friend that can make they success.” The boy’s friend still talk with his friend while the girl officer started confused to find the requested thing. “For your loving problems, it’s all the same with it.” Continue the boy’s friend.

“For loving problems, I just try to stop first. I wouldn’t talk about it for a while,” said the boy.

“Huh? Boy, boy? Your voice can’t be heard. The signal error. Please larger!” said his friend. At same time, the girl officer shook the pembalut to the boy’s friend. She thought that the requested thing is too small size so that she back to find another.
“Oh ya. I just zzzzztttt first zzzz no relationship zzzzttt,” the boy’s answer was not heard clearly.

“Hello? Please larger again!” the boy’s friend tried to give instruction. At same time again, the girl officer had found the larger size, which is the extra one. The girl poked the boy’s friend.

“It’s already the extra one, sir,” said the girl officer to the boy’s friend.

“It’s already larger or ye? Hello? Already larger? Halo?”

By Muhammad Yossi Hadiyoso
The Story was adapted from Malam Minggu Miko short movie.

Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

(Sungha Jung) On a Brisk Day - Sungha Jung

For me, guitar is my best friend. Every you feel upset or another, you could carry our guitar into it. Just like Sungha Jung. He is a great guitarist. He able to combine all strings become a flow melodic that can make your feel really comfortable. Perhaps, i could play like him but not really similar. Here, I could share one of his arrangement. Its hear really nice. Here we are . .

(Original) Mosaic - Sungha Jung (+playlist)

Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013

Book Report | How to Train Your Dragon: How to Cheat a Dragon’s Curse (4th book)

Book Title               : How to Train Your Dragon: How to Cheat a Dragon’s Curse (4th book)
·       Author                     : Cressida Cowell
·       Genre                       : Fiction – Fantasy, adventure
·       Characters              :
o    Hiccup (the Hero of this story)
o    Toothless (Hiccup’s pet dragon)
o    One eye (a Saber-toothed Dragon Driver)
o    Snotlout
o    Camicazi (burglar and sword-fighter)
o    Stoick the Vast
o    Clueless
o    Fishlegs
o    Nortbert the Nutjob (completely crazy hysterical chief)
·       Plot                           :
o   Introduction/exposition
      Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was an awesome sword-fighter, a dragon whisperer, and the greatest Viking Hero who ever lived. However, Hiccup’s memoirs look back to when he was a very ordinary boy who found it hard to be hero. 
o   Rising Action
      In the middle of journey, they met Doomfang, a dragon evil. Doomfang is as black as darkest nightmares, the Doomfang dwells in the open Ocean, where is rarely seen by human. Its forked tongue can reach up to 100 meters. Therefore, the Doomfang made one last terrible attempt to communicate, coming out with a truly dreadful, garbled cacophony of noise, and then opened its jaws wide, sucking in its breath. Suddenly, Hiccup did not know what they had done for the creature to have it in for them. Curling and unfurling, quick and flexible as a gigantic muscly snake, out of the Doomfang’s mouth came the Doomfang’s tongue to get the potato.
o   Climax
      Hiccup’s best friend, Fishlegs, has caught deadly disease called Vorpentitis. The only cue is rare and almost impossible to find, it is a vegetable called a “potato”. Actually, the cure is the Vegetable-That-No-One-Dares-Name. In order to get his hands on his legendary prize and save his best friend, Hiccup must travel to the wintry island of Hysteria and battle the crazy Chief of the Hysterics, Nobert the Nutjob. Moreover, Hiccup must get the Vegetable-That-No-One-Dares-Name before everything too late.
o   Resolution
      Finally, the crazy Chief of the Hysterics, Nobert the Nutjob, was defeated by Hiccup and he can take over the cure is the Vegetable-That-No-One-Dares-Name. Until that time, Hiccup was believe that his best friend, Fishlegs, could better. Then, when he arrived at home, the potato was gone. He did not realized that the potato was stole by something, not someone. Shortly, Hiccup can get it again by scarified himself to make fishlegs healthy. It was a twist ending. Suddenly, a miracle occurred. Something happened to Hiccup. He alive. Then, everything back to normal. Their practice and hunt with dragons again.
·       Brief Comment         :
      In my opinion, even though it was full of comedy or jokes in every single of chapter, but it actually contain messages from the writer. I think it is a good story because I like the plot, characters, and the atmospheres. It is really my genre. This is obviously a children book. Yet I enjoyed reading it. It is enjoyable for older readers too. It's funny and gives spirit to not give up. The story is full with adventures, no space to get bored; and the pace is not dragging. It's a fun read, with the creatures, the sea, and the unbelievable people. I like when hiccup finally finds his strength by looking at himself from another angle. Inspiring. 

Descriptive Text | Pangandaran Beach

Pangandaran is district of Pangandaran Regency within West Java province, Indonesia, that located on the southern coast of Java Island. Pangandaran beaches is one of popular tourist destinations in Pangandaran. There many local and foreign tourists comes to enjoy the beautiful of the scenery. They can feel the cool of sea breeze and enjoy the beauty of the Indonesian Ocean. The transpicuous seawater kisses the coast every single seconds. The sloping beaches with calm blue sea make you comfortable to enjoy a swim the fresh water. Also, the sunrise and sunset can be enjoyed by sitting on the sloping white sands in the shore. This beach is a blend of natural beach and mountains panoramic. We could see the Indonesian Ocean with ocean waves slammed southern rock, so that the white bubbles blue seas. Besides, a long range between the tides allows the visitors to swim, surf and boating safely.

Di sana ada sarana buat jalan-jalan di pinggir pantai menggunakan perahu motor lho.

Nah ini air lautnya yang terlihat bening.

Kalau ini pasir putihnya.

Nah ini si penulis lagi nyengir.

Pohon pantainya yang sejuk seperti ini ni penampakannya.

Yang ini, seorang pengunjung yang sedang bingung | galau |

Dan ini dia penampakkan sunset di Pangandaran.
Pictures source: my camera phone | edited by Instagram.

Kenapa di Usia Muda Bisa Terkena Serangan Jantung?

Jantung merupakan organ tubuh manusia yang memiliki peran penting untuk memompa darah ke seluruh tubuh melalui saluran-saluran yang disebut pembuluh darah. Suatu artikel menyatakan bahwa umur jantung seseorang adalah sekitar 20 tahun. Nah, lalu kenapa ada manusia yang umurnya bisa sampai lima kali umur jantung sedangkan umur organ tersebut hanya 20 tahun? Artikel tersebut pun memberikan jawaban bahwa sel-sel organ tersebut mengalami proses atau siklus pemudaan dimana sel-selnya memperbarui diri.

Jika jantung manusia terus memperbarui diri dalam rentang waktu tertentu, bagaimana dengan serangan jantung mendadak? Berarti serangan tersebut dapat menyebabkan tidak terjadinya pemudaan lagi. Lantas apa yang dapat menyebabkan serangan jantung?

Mungkin sudah banyak karya tulis yang membahas penyebab serangan jantung mendadak. Akan tetapi, belakangan ini kasus kematian akibat serangan jantung semakin sering ditemukan, baik di kalangan artis, atlet, dan pejabat negara. Tidak hanya orang yang berusia tua, namun usia muda pun ada.

Pada Jumat (22/3/2013) kemarin, penyanyi sekaligus presenter acara olahraga kondang, Ricky Jo, meninggal di usia yang masih relatif muda akibat serangan jantung. Apa yang menyebabkan serangan jantung ini dapat menyebabkan kematian dan mengapa kini banyak dialami oleh mereka yang berusia muda?

Dokter spesialis jantung dan pembuluh darah Rumah Sakit Jantung Pusat Harapan Kita Jakarta, Faisal Baraas, menyatakan penyempitan pada pembuluh darah coroner jantunglah yang memiliki peranan utama mengapa kematian mendadak terjadi. Penyempitan pembuluh darah dapat disebabkan oleh plak yang terbentuk akibat timbunan kolesterol yang terlalu tinggi dalam darah. Jika penyempitan pembuluh darah koroner yang terjadi sebesar 80 persen, artinya hanya 20 persen saja yang dilewati oleh darah. Ini menyebabkan darah mengental atau menggumpal sehingga tidak banyak darah yang bisa lewat ke jantung untuk mengalami siklus dengan baik. Dan aksiden penyempitan ini tidaklah memandang bulu. Itulah yang menyebabkan usia yang masih belia pun mengalami serangan jantung. 
Faisal Baraas menyatakan ada dua faktor risiko dari kematian mendadak yang berkaitan dengan penyakit jantung. Pertama adalah faktor yang tidak dapat diubah, dan kedua adalah faktor yang dapat diubah. Faktor yang tidak dapat diubah terdiri dari faktor keturunan atau genetik, faktor usia, dan jenis kelamin. Besarnya masing-masing faktor dalam mempengaruhi risiko penyakit jantung berbeda-beda pada setiap orang.

Faktor yang tidak dapat diubah
            Faktor genetik, tergantung pada kadar lipoprotein dalam darah. Semakin kuat faktor genetik mempengruhi bila kada protein ini tinggi. Dan semakin tinggi kadar protein ini maka semakin tinggi pula risiko serangan jantung.
            Faktor usia, semakin tua usia seseorang maka kekenyalan pembuluh darah pun akan berkurang.
            Faktor jenis kelamin. Laki-laki lebih rentan mengalami penyumbatan pembuluh darah dibandingkan perempuan. Perempuan memiliki hormon estrogen yang mencegah menyempitan pembuluh darah.

Faktor yang dapat diubah

Semua faktor yang dapat diubah umumnya berhubungan dengan gaya hidup seseorang. Kebiasaan seperti merokok, kurang olahraga, memiliki kadar kolesterol tinggi, kencing manis, dan stres adalah beberapa faktor risiko yang dapat diubah. Namun, kegiatan seperti olahraga berat dapat memicu serangan jantung juga. Sering sekali penyumbatan pada pembuluh darah tidak menunjukkan gejala spesifik, sehingga banyak orang tak sadar jika dirinya sudah memiliki penyumbatan. Bila sudah ada yang tersumbat, kinerja jantung dapat terganggu.

“Olahraga berat membutuhkan aliran darah yang cepat sehingga membuat kerja jantung lebih berat. Saat terjadi penggumpalan darah, ketika melewati pembuluh darah yang menyempit, maka darah dialirkan semakin lambat. Padahal saat olahraga berat dibutuhkan aliran darah yang cepat. Hal inilah yang dapat memicu kematian mendadak,” kata Faisal Baraas.
Oleh karena itu, kita harus tetap menjaga organ-organ tubuh kita dengan baik. Tidak hanya jantung namun organ-organ lainnya juga. Meskipun semua organ dapat memperbarui diri, penjagaan yang dilakukan oleh pemiliknya juga sangatlah penting demi kesehatan organ-organ tubuh kita.
