Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

War Galaxies in Centaurus A

The picture of Centaurus A taken by NASA.

The photo below shows the Centaurus A, 'radio galaxies' closest to the Earth, which eat each other.

Astronomers now estimate that the Centaurus A galaxy is formed as a merger of two distinct - and these latest images support this theory. Dust trail in the new picture is expected to be released are the remains of a spiral galaxy torn apart by the giant elliptical galaxy.

This phenomenon will continue to appear in our sky and took hundreds of millions of years before the 'seizure of the galaxies' This is really disappearing.

Centaurus A is located about 12 million light years from Earth. It has a central black hole with a mass 100 million times greater than the Sun. Astronomers believe that black holes that produce the radio frequency is enormous, both produce a luminous nucleus and jet features.

European Southern Observatory telescope in Chile capture images of this galaxy for 50 hours. The images they get from the system displays the amazing detail that has been studied in such depth.

"Centaurus A is interesting because it is the nearest radio galaxy to us, making it easier to learn," said a spokesman for the European Southern Observatory Richard Hook to Yahoo! News. "There is a trail of dust around its center, which is actually a single galaxy is sucked by another galaxy."

"The image is actually a very long exposure, that shows a fairly smooth structure. This is the best photo of the Centaurus A system we've ever taken," he added.

Centaurus A got the name because he was the first radio source discovered in the constellation Centaurus in 1950. The first centaur discovered by British astronomer James Dunlop at the Parramatta observatory in Australia, on August 4, 1826.

Source :

Life and Death

The Life and Death symbolized by leaves
What is life?

The life, it is an adjective that shows the sign of an organism such human, plants, bacteria, fungi, animals (such as cats, dogs, fishes, crocodiles, bears, penguins, horses, ants, etc.) that can growth and develop, breathing and respiration, produce the off-springs, do the excretion and need the nutrients for their growth.
The meaning of life is a concept that provides an answer to the philosophical question concerning the purpose or objective and significance of life or existence in general. It can be expressed through answering a variety of related questions that is talking about it, such as "Why are we here?", "What is life all about?", “It is important to me to life?”, “Shall I do much of research about it?”, “What the purpose about it all?”,” Who are we?”, “What is the origin of life?”, “What is the nature of life?”, “What is the nature of reality?”, “What is the purpose of life?”, “What is the purpose of one's life?”, “What is the significance of life?”, “What is meaningful and valuable in life? “, “What is the value of life?”, “What is the reason to live?”, “What are we living for?” and "What is the meaning of it all?". It has been the subject of much philosophical, scientist, and theological speculation throughout history of human life being. There have been a large number of theories to these questions from many different cultural and ideological backgrounds. Even so, the meaning of life could manifest that question itself: "what is the meaning of life," or life seeking the meaning of itself.
Playing Football
Each man and each woman creates the essence (meaning) of his and her life, life is not determined by a supernatural of God. It is well (generous) or it is not well (badness). Each man and each woman have their ways itself. For example, there is a young man that loves in football. He always practices in his house field everyday in the afternoon with his friends. Also, he has a dream to become a footballer for his national team football on his country. To reach that, he often to watch the tutorial or practical video for playing football and surfing the articles of football to increase his skills in football. And several years later, he gets the offering to become footballer for national team football in his country. It is the example for the generous way. And for other example a young man that want to get a thing that he can not to buy it. He wanted it to become his behaviour because it looks interests on his eyes. And finally, he prepares the strategy to get this thing by do the steal. And when he does the strategy, he gets the trouble that he was wanted by the police. He was caught by police that he was stealing for this thing. So, he is hold by police in the prison for several times because of his act to stealing the thing that he wants. It is the example for the people that choose bad ways on their life; he will get a punishment from the authorities or the police or even God.
Stealing Wallet
From this case, we can conclude or take the conclusion that the life is full of choice, even good or bad. The human, each man and each woman, would to decide the ways that have to decide for heir life. If they choose the good or right ways, they will get the good replies that make their heart and feel are happy. The opposite of that, of they choose the bad ways to get whatever he wants, he will get torment on their life such us a punishment in reality and the sin from the God. Hence, life is full of Choice. That is life.

What about death?

The death. It is talk about the end of life. Death is the term used to describe the cessation of all biological functions of organisms that sustain a living organism. There are much of phenomena which are commonly bring the death of the organisms include old age, predation, malnutrition, accidents of driving, falling from the high altitude like falling when you are hiking the mountain disease or lifting the stairs, suicide, murder and accidents or trauma resulting in terminal injury. All known organisms inevitably experience death, whatever the ways even smoothly or unsmooth. Bodies of living organisms begin to decompose shortly after death. The bodies will decompose to become chemical materials and absorb to the soils.
Evolutionary Theory
Evolutionary theory sees death as an important part of the process of natural selection. It is considered that organisms less adapted to their environment. “The survival for the fittest”, said Darwin. For several researches, it can become evidence that the organisms (human, plants and animals) which fittest to survive from disease, disaster, war, accidents, plague or etc., they can still life and do their activities in this world. But, if they can not to survive for it, they will threatened by die.

The life and death is different. Even from the meaning, or the word.
The meaning of life according to the Arabic language is the opposite of death. See signs of life with consciousness, will, sensing, motion, respiration, growth, and the need for food.

Is the meaning of death in the Arabic language is the opposite of life. In the book Lisanu'l Arab said:

"Death is the opposite of life."

So for the meaning of death is the opposite of life, death signs mean a reversal of the signs of life, which saw the loss of consciousness and will, there is no sensing, movement, and respiration, and cessation of growth and the need for food.

There are several verses and hadith which shows that people will die during his life when his soul was arrested and held by God the Creator. Allah Almighty says:

"God holds the soul (person) at his death, and (hold) the soul (person) who has not died in his sleep time. He then withhold the soul (person) that He has set his death and he let another soul until due time. "[Letter of AZ Zumar: 42]

Imam Muslim narrated from Ummu Salamah RA that the Muhammad SAW said,

"If the soul is extracted, then the points will follow ..."

Life can be estimated and can be chosed. It is depend on the human prospective that thinking about their choices. But, the death or die is opposites of these. It can not be estimated, can not be avoided and can not be chosen. Every time we go, everywhere we go and whenever we go, the death is waiting for us, any ways.

By: Muhammad Yossi Hadiyoso
5/19/2012 10:58 AM